Sunrise 530 Tender

Sunrise 530 Tender is a spacious recreational boat with a sporty hull, for a crew of 8 people.

The boat can be equipped with an outboard engine with a power of 9.9 HP up to 90 HP, maintaining great nautical abilities in the entire power range.

The specially designed hull line makes it ideal for sea coastal waters and inland waters.

There are 4 spacious lockers on the deck under the seats:  2 lockers on the sides on the bow, a very large locker at the stern and a very large locker at the bow, additionally adapted for a space for using a chemical toilet.

In the bow section, a sundeck of impressive dimensions can be easily installed: 1.90 m long, or a table can be installed instead, creating a comfortable seating area for 8 people.

The boat can be additionally equipped with a bimini top or a convertible bow roof with transparent walls – in a set with a port cover that closes the entire deck space when the boat is moored in a port or marina.

Technical data


5,3 m


2,10 m


630 kg





Max. engine power:



0,30 m